It is the mission of this group to celebrate and to educate our community about the historic significance of the Juneteenth holiday which commemorates the June 19, 1865 emancipation of enslaved African-Americans

What is Juneteenth?

  • Juneteenth is a holiday that celebrates the end of slavery. On June 18th, 1865, slaves in Galveston, Texas were told that they were emancipated and were free. This was two years after Lincoln abolished slavery with the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation, but slavery was still practiced in many places.

  • With the official announcement that slaves were free by Union Army Maj. Gen. Gordon Granger, Juneteenth became a historical day for Black people in this country.

  • Also known as Emancipation Day or Freedom Day, Juneteenth is an official holiday in many states, including Texas, which was the first state to make it state holiday in 1980.

Why do we celebrate Juneteenth?

  • Symbolizes the end of Slavery

  • Symbolizes freedom for African-Americans

  • Honors African-American ancestors who survived bondage

  • Juneteenth has grown in popularity over the years, and is truly symbolic this year because of what is currently going on in our country. Black people have been celebrating its importance, but especially now, Juneteenth is a holiday that should be honored by everyone.